
Davidoff – smoke less, but longer and better

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Nothing changed of his  sophisticated motto, Zino Davidoff  was a man of vision and his whole life he was aiming for the very best cigars. One of the big points was the storage to keep cigars fresh and full of aroma so he was the first in 1930    having a humidor in the size of a small room.  In collaboration with a swiss carpenter the humidor “just for the house” came on the market in 1965. This long lasting tradition is still going by the company  Oettinger Davidoff  and each year new models of the famous “Dome” are presented,  often done by an artist. In 2015 it is Lison de Caunes,  she works with straw marquetry.

Das ist das Rohmaterial des Reisstrohs bereits gefärbt.
That is the material of rice straw already tinted. .

Born in Neuilly near Paris, Lison de Caunes has dedicated herself in this kind of art for 30 years now. The straw marquetry became known in the 17th century and had a big bloom in the times of  Art-Déco. Lison is continuing the family tradition of her grandfather  Andre Groult, who was restorer and Lison can say today: ” I was raised in straw”. After the era of Art-Déco straw marquetry was completely forgotten, but it is now coming back quite strongly. In elegant boutiques like Louis Vuitton in Rome or Guerlain at the Champs Elysées you can see walls with straw marquetry done by Lison de Caunes. She uses rice straw from Burgundy, which is tinted, cut, ironed and put on wood panels with clue. In her workshop you can admire exciting examples of tables, boxes and cufflinks.  20-22 Rue Mayet, Tel. 01 40 56  0210.

Das ist die erste Version des Davidoff Humidor, symbolisiert die frischen Tabakblätter.
This is Saison 1 of the Davidoff Humidor, showing the colour of fresh tobacco leaves.

This should symbolize fresh tabacco leaves but this green is even more elegant. The inside is made of  Okoumé wood, a species of acacia, which doesn’t have any smell like the widely used cedar. In a few weeks, during the Art Basel of Hongkong mid of March will be the presentation of  “Saison 1”. Only 10 pieces of the “Cave de paille ” will be on the market, in the flagstores of Davidoff ( 19 500€) .

Das Innenleben des Davidoff Humidors besteht aus Okoumé -Holz.
The inside of the Cave de paille is made of Okoumé wood.

The second edition ” Saison 2″  shows the mature brown tabacco leaves. As well there will only 10 of them and first to be seen at the Art Basel in Basel mid of June.

At the Art Basel in Miami Beach there will be finally the “Saison 3”  imitating the smoke of the cigar. The main colours will grey and brownish.

eine herrliche Tischplatte von Strohmarketerie
a wonderful table of straw marquetry in the workshop of Lison de Caunes



Edvard Munch
Der Tod ist pechschwarz, aber die Farben sind hell. Als Maler muss man mit Lichtstrahlen arbeiten.
Edvard Munch
Der Tod ist pechschwarz, aber die Farben sind hell. Als Maler muss man mit Lichtstrahlen arbeiten.
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